Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2016

How to Use a Tampon While Swimming

Don't let your fear of using a tampon while swimming keep you from enjoying a sunny day at the pool or beach. Many girls don't realize that using a tampon while you're swimming is no different from using a tampon in math class or during a Sunday picnic. Here's what you do.

EditPutting in Your Tampon

  1. Image titled Use a Tampon While Swimming Step 1
    Insert your tampon as you normally would. You should be comfortable with wearing a tampon regularly before you venture into the pool. To use a tampon, just pull it out of its wrapper, find a comfortable position that allows you to position the thicker applicator half of the tampon into your vagina, and then press the thinner applicator end into the top half until it goes as far up as it can, moving the tampon further up your vagina. Once you feel that the tampon is firmly in place, gently remove the applicator.
    • You should feel the tampon move all the way into your vagina and out of the applicator. If you don't push it back far enough, it'll come out with the applicator.
  2. Image titled Use a Tampon While Swimming Step 4
    Make sure you're comfortable. Walk around, sit, and just move around a bit to make sure you can't feel the tampon in your vagina. If it hurts or you can still feel it, try again or insert your finger in your vagina to push it up further. Sometimes, if the tampon cannot be further inserted your period may be coming to an end. In that case, you should avoid trying to force it if it hurts too much.

EditSwimming with a Tampon

  1. 1
    Choose the right bathing suit. This is probably not the time to wear your brand new light pink or your bold white bathing suit. Pick a suit of a darker color, just in case you have any leaks. You can also go for a bathing suit with a thicker bottom so you feel less exposed. Just pick something that you're comfortable in that doesn't draw too much attention to your bottom. If you know you have less of a chance of having people see you leaking a bit, you'll be much more comfortable.
  2. Image titled Use a Tampon While Swimming Step 5
    Carefully tuck in the tampon string. The only thing that could happen is that the tampon string could dangle out of your underwear. Just make sure to tuck it into the bottom of your suit carefully and don't stress out about it. If you'd really like to, you can trim the string a bit with nail scissors, but don't cut it too much or you'll have a hard time getting it out.[1]
  3. 3
    Don't wear pantyliners. Pantyliners will not work in the water. Unfortunately, you'll have nothing to keep you from leaking onto the bottom of your suit, though the water will take care of that somewhat. You can wear them to the pool only if you know there's no chance you'll be swimming or even showing your bikini bottom (the pantyliner may be visible.)
  4. 4
    Consider wearing shorts when you get out of the pool. If you want some extra protection and are nervous about getting out of the pool and sunbathing in just your bathing suit while wearing a tampon, then you can just throw on a pair of comfy denim jeans to make you feel more secure when you get out of the water.
  5. 5
    Change your tampon a bit more frequently if you want to. Though you don't have to change your tampon more frequently if you're swimming, if you feel paranoid about needing to change it, or if you feel a little uncomfortable after getting out of the water, then you can change it 2 hours or so early if you'd like to.
  6. Image titled Use a Tampon While Swimming Step 6
    Enjoy your swim. Don't worry so much about swimming with a tampon -- everyone does it. Enjoy your swim without worrying about leakage! Swimming will relieve your cramps, give you some exercise, and make you feel better and happier about being on your period.
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