Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 8, 2016

How To Do Starfish Float – Basic Swimming Technique


The starfish float is a basic swimming technique. To do so you float on your back or on your chest in a horizontal position with the arms and legs spread apart. Seen from above this position reminds one of a starfish.
A man in a swimming pool doing the starfish float
The Starfish Float (3D Graphic)
Basically, once you have mastered this swimming technique, you could theoretically float forever in this position on your back. Having the legs and arms spread apart gives your body additional stability while floating in the water.

How to Do It

Here’s how to do the starfish float, on your back:
  • Stand in the shallow area of the pool, so as to have the water at waist level.
  • Crouch down so that the water gets at shoulder level.
  • Spread your arms horizontally apart from the body.
  • Lean back in the water to get into an oblique position.
  • Push yourself away from the ground with your feet, with enough momentum so that your legs move upward to the water surface.
  • Lean on your back and straighten your body so that it forms a line from head to toes, with arms spread apart.
  • Slowly spread your legs apart.
  • Keep your head, back and hips aligned, stay relaxed and breathe calmly.


  • It is best to learn starfish float on your back in a calm environment. Otherwise waves will splash into your face and disturb your breathing.
  • A friend or family member can be helpful to correct your position, for example by supporting your back.
A mother teaching her child the starfish float
A friend or family member can help learning a good horizontal position
  • Having mastered horizontal balance first is helpful to learn this technique. You can do so with our head-lead supine balance drill.
  • kickboard held overhead can also help finding the correct horizontal position. Just let go of the kickboard and spread your arms once you feel balanced on your back.
  • Being able to do the starfish float helps in learning elementary backstroke.
  • Not everyone can do the starfish float. For example, my legs always drop down to the ground when I try this technique. A friend of mine however is able to stay in the horizontal position without a problem. It really depends on your morphology it seems.

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