Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 8, 2016

swim smooth waterproof training plans

Unique 35 Session Training Plans Fortified With All Our Swimming Knowledge. Designed to get your swimming into top shape for Olympic Distance, Half Ironman and Ironman races. Can also be used in the off season to develop your swimming.
Not only are Swim Smooth great technique coaches, we're also experts at fitness training for swimming. We understand that the prime route to improving your swimming is the right mix of technique work and training.
But what's the right balance and what exactly should you do? Solution - follow one of our highly rated training plans to get you fully prepared for your triathlon race season!
more about the plans:
Each plan contains 35 sessions, which runs for approximately 11 weeks of training.
There are three levels of plan for differing abilities - one will be perfect for you!
- The plans are progressive, keeping you on your toes as you gain fitness and speed. Within the plan we use two timetrial swims (200m and 400m), from these results we'll show you how to set target speeds for your swimming sets. Not only does this get your training intensity right, it highlights your progress and keeps you motivated to improve for the next timetrial.
Perhaps you completed our highly rated training plan in our DVD Boxset?
If so, you'll love these new plans - they're the natural follow-on.
Improve your swimming even further with 11 weeks of focused training, getting you in peak swim shape for next season.
Supplied as a waterproof booklet. A unique feature of these plans is that they are printed on high-tech waterproof paper and supplied as a tough waterproof booklet. Ingeniously, the plans un-pop from the folder which makes them easier to handle when in use. Return them to the folder to protect them when they're in your swim bag.
The sessions are varied and fun to stop you getting bored. We give you the structure to your training to keep you motivated.
The workouts include the right amount of technique focusto improve your stroke and the right amount of training so you can make the most of that improved stroke. We bring the two aspects together perfectly.
Following each session is easy - the layout is super-clear. The booklet is A5 size with each session presented one to a page.
There's a full introduction in the front of the plan, explaining how to get the best out of it, how to develop your pace judgement, how to use swimming equipment and common technique pitfalls to watch out for as you go along.
For each session we've included hints and tips, and in the back of the booklet are pictures and descriptions of the drills and techniques for whenever you need a reminder.
Three open water skills sessions are included which you can follow either in the pool or open water with a friend or small group. You can slot these sessions into the regular plan at any time it's convenient to you. These will get you practising those all important open water skills of drafting, sighting, navigation and pacing.
never wonder what, when or how to swim
Owning one of these plans comes a very close second to being in a Swim Smooth training squad in Perth, Western Australia.
Let one of these plans guide and develop your swimming so you can rip out an a big PB swim split next season!
Plan 1. Olympic / Half-Ironman 70.3 Triathlon Preparation
(35 Sessions / 11 Weeks)
Perfect swimming preparation for your Olympic and Half-IM race season. Also great for sprint triathlon training.
This plan contains 32 pool sessions plus 3 optional open water technique sessions to get you in peak shape for your big race. Simply keep the plan in your swimming bag, pull it out when you get to the pool and follow the next session - we've done all the organising for you!
There are three levels of this plan to choose from:
- Level 1 is for swimmers in the 7:45 to 12:00 range for a 400m swim. Each session is approximately 2200m per session, we'll nurture your technique and provide you with plenty of fitness challenges along the way!
- Level 2 is swimmers around the 6:00 to 7:40 mark for 400m (swam fast). Each session is approximately 2700m and will direct and challenge you - giving you the perfect mix of training and technique to get you into top shape for your triathlon season.
- Level 3 is for strong swimmers who swim sub 6 minutes for 400m. Each session is 3000+m in length. As an advanced swimmer you may feel you need to swim further than this but these sessions are highly focused and avoid 'junk yardage'. Exactly what you need to keep you motivated and gap the field.
The plan is designed around three swim workouts a week, meaning it will run for 11 weeks. Alternatively, the plan will still work very nicely if you prefer to swim twice or four times per week.
* If you've completed the training plan in our DVD Boxset, this is the ideal follow-on for your race season. 35 all new sessions specifically for Olympic and Half-IM Distance preparation. *
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Buy Oly/Half-IM Training Plan
GB £30 / US $45 / AUS $64 / Euro €39 / CAN $59
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UK: £1.90, USA: $6.27, Canada: CAD$6.27, Aus/NZ: AUD$8.36
EUR: €3.40, Asia: US$6.27
Plan 2. Iron Distance Triathlon Preparation
(35 Sessions / 11 Weeks)
Our specific swimming preparation plan for Ironman distance with a greater endurance focus for the longer distance. Strike the perfect balance between stroke technique, speed and endurance training.
This plan contains 32 pool sessions plus 3 optional open water technique sessions to get you in peak shape for your big race. Slot in the open water sessions when it's convenient for you.
The guidelines for choosing from the 3 levels of plan are the same as for the Olympic plan above. The plan contains a longer weekly swim that builds up to 4000m in length, other sessions are shorter, focusing on your stroke technique and speed, typically: Level 1: 2300m, Level 2: 2700m, Level 3: 3100m.
We recommend you follow this plan with three swim workouts a week, meaning it will run for 11 weeks. However, the plan will also run very nicely if you prefer to swim twice or four times per week.
We've carefully taken into account the overall training load for an Ironman - the sessions are designed to develop your swimming but still leave you with plenty left over for your lengthy run and bike sessions.

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