Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2016

How to Do a Flip Turn (Freestyle)

Flip turns are mainly used during the crawl stroke, which is also sometimes referred to as swimming freestyle. Flip turns can also be used during the backstroke which employs a slightly different flip-turn technique. This wikiHow web page describes how to perform a flip turn during the freestyle stroke as you approach the wall of the swimming pool for your lane. The goal of the flip turn and pushing off from the wall is to transfer the energy and momentum you have built up in one direction so both get refocused in the opposite direction. This allows lap swimming and competitive swimming to be performed as efficiently and quickly as possible with minimal loss of energy and momentum. This is a must-know trick for swimmers. Have fun doing it!


  1. Image titled Do a Flip Turn (Freestyle) Step 1
    Make sure your goggles are secure and get in the pool.
  2. Image titled Do a Flip Turn (Freestyle) Step 2
    Start swimming freestyle (also known as front crawl).
  3. Image titled Do a Flip Turn (Freestyle) Step 3
    When you are about 5m away from the wall, kick your legs harder. This will make tumbling easier.
  4. Image titled Do a Flip Turn (Freestyle) Step 4
    Make sure you have enough air to go for a tumble. However, do not take a breath just before a tumble as it will interrupt your stroke and slow you down.
  5. Image titled Do a Flip Turn (Freestyle) Step 5
    Swim up to the wall until you think you are close legs enough. This can be hard to judge as it all depends on the length of your legs.Normally, there will be what looks like a T on the bottom of the pool. Depending on how long your legs are, normally you should do 2 strokes after the T then do your turn.
  6. Image titled Do a Flip Turn (Freestyle) Step 6
    Follow the last stroke of your arm over. As your arm enters the water, tuck your head in and keep kicking your legs to propel you over. As you tumble, breath out hard through your nose to prevent any water getting up it.
  7. Image titled Do a Flip Turn (Freestyle) Step 7
    You will find yourself on your back underwater. The fastest way to get off the wall is to push off on your back underwater, rather then turning onto your front and then pushing off. Place both feet firmly on the wall and push off hard UNDERWATER and turn onto your front before you surface or do any kicking.
  8. Image titled Do a Flip Turn (Freestyle) Step 8
    Swim around five metres underwater using the butterfly kick in streamline position, before surfacing and resuming freestyle.
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